Sunday, May 6, 2018

Poor Fitness Linked to Neurological Decline

Brain imaging shows yellow and reddish pixels 
representing areas where the functionality of white matter is associated with higher fitness levels.

This study by the UT Southwestern Medical Center's O’Donnell Brain Institute looked at the correlation between cardiovascular exercise and the strength of white matter fibers in the brain.

The brain's white matter is formed by millions of bundles of nerve cells used by neurons to communicate throughout the brain. Obviously, keeping these neural pathways strong would have a major effect on the functioning of both our mind and body.

UT Southwestern Medical Center:

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease:

The takeaway here is that regular exercise can actually improve the white matter in patients with mild cognitive impairment. This leads to better neurological functioning and improvement in executive functioning for people with high risk for diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

On a physical level, the increase in blood circulation and oxygen delivery to our cells helps things run more smoothly. On an energetic (& perhaps a bit more abstract) level, this same activity stimulates the "chi", or vital energy that flows through us.

Science has discovered tremendous amounts of evidence that we humans need regular exercise for optimal functioning- in addition to a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and other positive lifestyle choices.

Through Conscious Living for You, Loretta & I hope to bring information that will help you make more positive, healthy decisions to improve your life. Regular exercise is especially crucial in maintaining a positive physical and mental presence, which leads to an overall better quality of life.


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